Set Vertical Brace Workpoints to 1/2 Nominal Depth of Supporting Beam

Tool summary :

  • Resets all vertical braces in the model that frame to beams to 1/2 the nominal depth of the beam.
  • The work point " End elevation " ( Z coordinate) of every vertical brace in your current Job whose end connects to a beam & column or to a beam or to a column that is under or over a beam may be relocated due to this Change operation.
  • The new " End elevation " of the affected end will be half the " Nominal Depth " of the beam.
  • Change adjusts the work point location of the brace to follow the slope of a sloping column if the brace connects to a sloping column that is under or over a beam.
  • You might use this Change option to correct the location of braces that have been imported to your current Job using Import Model .
  • Your work flow might also be to Add vertical braces to the tops of beams using EXPT or INCM , then use this option to move their work points down.

Step-by-step instructions :

VIDEO A Change Option is used to relocate the work points of two vertical braces to the half-nominal depth of a beam. Be aware that the Change Option operates on all vertical braces in your model. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v7.3.)

1 . Do any of the following to invoke Set Vertical Brace Workpoints to !/2 Nominal Depth of Supporting Beam :

Method 1 : Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > Change Options > Set Vertical Brace Workpoints to .. .

Method 2 : Click the Set Vertical Brace Workpoints to ... icon, which is pictured above. The icon can be taken from the group named ' Edit -- Change Options ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning).

Method 3 : If the " Modeling layout style " or " Drawing Editor layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose Edit > Change Options > Set Vertical Brace Workpoints to .. .

Method 4, 5 & 6 : Set Vertical Brace Workpoints to ... can also be configured to be invoked using a keyboard shortcut , the context menu , or a mode . For the lightning interface, this configuration is done using Customize Interface .

2 . After you invoke this Change option, a yes-no dialog opens. On it is the message that tells you what will happen if you press the " Yes " button. Since this Change option can simultaneously change the work point locations of all vertical braces in your current Job, framing situations may change, with the result that different connections may be designed during Process and Create Solids .

This program will modify the elevations of vertical braces. Do you want to continue?

Alternative 1 : Press the " Yes " button to change the elevations of the braces. Go step 2.

Alternative 2 : Press " No " to cancel this operation. Do not continue.

3 . Change searches for all vertical braces framing to beams or to beams & columns and resets the vertical brace's " End elevation " to half the nominal depth of the beam. If the brace connects to a beam and sloping column, Change adjusts the X and/or Y coordinates (in addition to the Z coordinate) of the work point at that end of the brace. The affected members are automatically marked for processing.

3a . The SDS2 Warnings window appears on screen with the member numbers of members whose work point elevations were changed. Press the " OK " button to dismiss the SDS2 Warnings window.

Tip: In Modeling , review the members that were listed on the SDS2 Warnings window. Then Process and Create Solids and review them again.

To undo this operation: For most braces, you can change back the " End elevation " on the Vertical Brace Edit window. For a brace to a sloping column, select the member end , then Move/Stretch or Move/Stretch Include Material along the column workline.

Report Writer: Member.LeftEnd.LocationZ .

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